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Welcome to the Quarterly Shareholder Report where you can check the most significant information about Santander's share and the Group in the first quarter of 2022.

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"We delivered a strong first quarter, growing the number of customers we serve and increasing revenues by 8%, further improvements in efficiency, and credit quality remaining solid.

The return on tangible equity was 14.2%, supported by greater connectivity across the businesses and robust risk management. All regions delivered strong performance, including Europe, where profitability rebounded.

Our geographic and business diversification continue to provide a cornerstone for growth and is a key reason why Santander remains among the most efficient and resilient banks in our peer group, with profitability well above our cost of capital.

Looking ahead, while inflation will affect the pace of global economic growth, with specific impacts varying across our regions and businesses, we are reiterating our 2022 targets, illustrating the benefits of our business model.

Our priority, as always, is to remain focused on supporting our customers, leveraging the group’s collective scale to further improve service and efficiency. Our investments are delivering today and will support future growth throughout the business. We are already seeing the benefits of our investment and strategic focus on our Digital Consumer Bank and payments business, PagoNxt, where revenues have increased by 122%.

I am confident our focus on serving our customers better every day and executing our strategy will allow us continue delivering sustainable growth in EPS, TNAV per share, as well as returning value to shareholders through both cash dividends and share buybacks."

Ana Botín, Group Executive Chairman of Banco Santander


Find out the highlights in the first quarter of 2022

Total customers
155 mn
Efficiency ratio

*Including the impact of the Amherst Pierpont acquisition (-7 bps), which closed in April.


Santander´s share price ended the first quarter of 2022 at EUR 3.100 per share

icono la acción

EUR 2.941

icono la acción

EUR 3.482

icono la acción

EUR 2.490

icono la acción

EUR 3.100

Key factors shaping share price performance

The quarter begun marked by the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, which dampened the IMF's optimism in economic recovery, worsened by the invasion of Ukraine, which led to significant risk aversion.

Concerns recording inflation have forced central banks to take action, despite the impact on economic growth:

  • In Europe, the European Central Bank (ECB) will reduce its asset purchase programme at a faster pace with a view to ending it in the third quarter, when it could raise interest rates.
  • The Bank of England (BoE) raised its intervention rate twice by 25 bps to 0.75%, at pre-pandemic levels.
  • In the US, the Fed began its hiking path by raising rates by 25 bps to 0.5% and expects to announce the start of the reduction in the size of its balance sheet at an upcoming meeting.
  • Finally, in Latin America, central bank hikes were more forceful, especially in Brazil, where the Selic stood at 11.75%, and Mexico, where the rate reached 6.5%.

In this environment, the Santander share ended the quarter with a 5.4% increase, a better performance than that of the main comparable indexes, helped by its very limited exposure to Russia and Ukraine, geographic diversification, good 2021 results and a positive performance of Latin American currencies.

The main global equity markets, which recorded strong volatility, ended the quarter with declines. The banking sector recorded an overall worse performance, affected by its different exposures to Russia. The DJ Stoxx Banks dropped 5.8% and the MSCI World Banks fell 1.3%, compared to the Ibex 35 3.1% decrease and the DJ Stoxx 50 2.8% decline.

The Santander share ended the first quarter of the year up by



MSCI WORLD BANKS: -1.3%      IBEX: -3.1%      DJ STOXX 50: -2.8%      MSCI WORLD BANKS: -1.3%      DJ STOXX BANKS: -5.8%      IBEX: -3.1%      DJ STOXX 50: -2.8%      BANCO SANTANDER: +5.4%      MSCI WORLD BANKS: -1.3%      DJ STOXX BANKS: -5.8%      IBEX: -3.1%      DJ STOXX 50: -2.8%      BANCO SANTANDER: +5.4%      MSCI WORLD BANKS: -1.3%      DJ STOXX BANKS: -5.8%      IBEX: -3.1%      DJ STOXX 50: -2.8%      MSCI WORLD BANKS: -1.3%      IBEX: -3.1%      DJ STOXX 50: -2.8%      BANCO SANTANDER: +5.4%      MSCI WORLD BANKS: -1.3%      DJ STOXX BANKS: -5.8%      IBEX: -3.1%      DJ STOXX 50: -2.8%      BANCO SANTANDER: +5.4%     

Share price comparison

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31 december 2020 = 100.

of analysts recommend buying or holding SAN shares




EUR 3.97

average target price
of analysts for
SAN shares

Source Bloomberg at 31/03/2022.




In applying the shareholder remuneration policy for 2021, the second payment of remuneration against 2021 results was approved, which will be made in two parts:


A gross cash dividend of EUR 5.15 cents per share, which will be paid from 2 May 2022.


A second share buyback programme that will have a maximum amount of EUR 865 million, equivalent to 20% of the Group's underlying profit in the second half of 2021. The repurchase programme will have the following characteristics:

  • Expected duration from 15 March 2022 to 18 May 2022, however, the Bank reserves the right to terminate the buyback programme if, prior to its expiry date, the maximum monetary amount is reached or if any other circumstances so advise.
  • The average purchase price of shares will not exceed EUR 4.12, corresponding to the tangible book value per share at 31 December 2021.
  • The maximum number of shares that may be acquired will depend on the average price at which they are acquired, but will not exceed 10% of the Bank’s share capital.

As a result, total shareholder remuneration totalled around EUR 3.4 billion, equivalent to a share of approximately 40% of 2021 underlying attributable profit.


Our business model is based on three pillars

Deepening the relationships with our customers

Top 3 NPS1
in 8 out of 9 markets

155 mn
total customers

1. NPS – internal benchmark of individual customers’ satisfaction audited by Stiga / Deloitte in H2'21.

Local scale and global reach

TOP 3 in lending2
in 10 of our markets

2. Market share in lending as of December 2021 including only privately-owned banks. UK benchmark refers to the mortgage market. Digital consumer Bank (DCB) refers to auto in Europe.

Geographic and business diversification

Balanced profit distribution3



North America


South America


Consumer Bank


3. Q1'22 underlying attributable profit by region. Operating areas excluding Corporate Centre.


Underlying attributable profit Q1'22

EUR 2,543 mn

Our geographic and business diversification to some extent protects us from adverse circumstances and enables us to resiliently face the impacts arising from the Ukrainian conflict.

In Q1'22, we achieved an attributable profit of EUR 2,543 million in the first quarter of 2022, up 58% in euros versus the same period last year, when we recorded net charges for restructuring costs. On an underlying basis, profit also amounted to EUR 2,543 million due to no charges in the quarter, and was 19% higher in euros (+12% in constant euros) compared to underlying profit in Q1'21. These increases were underpinned by the positive performance across regions, Digital Consumer Bank (DCB) and our global businesses.

Quarterly performance of underlying profit attributable to the Group*

EUR million
    Constant euros

*Excluding net capital gains and provisions.

Underlying attributable profit distribution by business areas*

Well balanced Group profit.

January - March 2022

(*) As a % of operating areas. Excluding the Corporate Centre.

% change / Q1'21
EUR million Q1'22 EUR Constant EUR
Net interest income 8,855 11.3 6.2
Total income 12,305 8.0 3.3
Net operating income 6,770 7.9 2.3
Underlying profit before tax* 4,171 9.4 2.7
Underlying profit attributable to the Group* 2,543 18.9 11.8
Profit attributable to the Group 2,543 58.1 46.8
*Excluding net capital gains and provisions.


Customers and digitalization:

  • Digital adoption continued to be key, as we now have more than 49 million digital customers, an increase of nearly 5 million customers since March 2021. In Q1'22, 56% of sales were made through digital channels (50% in March 2021).
  • Loyal customers reached 26 million, 11% higher year-on-year.

Loyal customers



Digital customers



Digital sales

% of total sales


Business volumes continued to grow in an uncertain environment

In this environment, and excluding the exchange rate impact:

  • Loans and advances to customers rose by more than EUR 14,000 million (+1%) in the quarter and 5% year-on-year, backed by individuals and large corporates.
  • Customer deposits were up by EUR 6,400 million, +1% in the quarter and +5% year-on-year. Of note were demand deposits (which accounted for 66% of customer funds) and mutual funds.


Loans to





North America



South America



Digital Consumer Bank



% operating areas. March 2022.

% change/ Q1'21
EUR million Q1'22 EUR Constant EUR
Gross loans and advances to customers* 998,490 8.0 5.0
Customer deposits** 906,074 8.2 5.3
Mutual funds 190,940 12.6 6.1
Customer funds 1,097,014 8.9 5.5
*Excluding reverse repos.
**Excluding repos.

08 | AREAS

Our geographic and business diversification continued to be a key growth driver

Q1'22 vs Q1'21 Total customers
Customer loans
(EUR bn)
Customer deposits
(EUR bn)
Net operating income1
(EUR mn)
Underlying att. profit1
(EUR mn)
Europe 46.1
North America 25.1
South America 64.4
Digital Consumer Bank 19.2

Note: YoY changes in constant euros. Loans and advances to customers excluding reverse repos. Customer deposits excluding respos.
(1) North America excluding Bluestem portfolio disposal impact in % changes. Otherwise, net operating income -10% and underlying attributable profit 0%.
(2) Adjusted RoTEs: adjusted based on Group’s deployed capital calculated as contribution of RWAs at 12%.

09 | ESG

Supporting the green transition of our clients and committed to our climate change goals

Supporting the green transition...

Green finance1

EUR 69bn  since 2019

EUR 3.6bn in Q1’22
EUR 120bn by 2025
EUR 220bn by 2030

Green products

In Q1'22:

>EUR 1bn in electric vehicles
>EUR 2bn in green buildings

AuM in sustainable funds2

EUR 27bn   Mar-22

EUR 100bn by 2025

Renewable energy

8 wind farm3
agreements in Q1'22

Alliance with Enel

Acquisition of 80%

Decarbonization targets

0.23  tCO2e/MWh5 in 2019

0.18 by 2025
0.11 by 2030

Thermal coal-related power6
& mining phase out


EUR 7bn  in 2021

0 by 2030

...whilst engaging top management with ESG goals: 20% of long-term incentives in scorecard

Note: Q1’22 data not audited.
1. Only SCIB global business.
2. AuMs classified as Article 8 and 9 funds (SFDR) from SAM, plus third-party funds and other ESG products according to EU taxonomy from Private Banking. We apply equivalent ESG criteria to SAM's funds Latin America.
3. In the UK, Portugal and Poland with a power of 1570 MW.
4. In April 2022, Banco Santander completed its plan to acquire 80% of WayCarbon Soluções Ambientais e Projetos de Carbono (“WayCarbon”), a leading Brazil-based ESG consultancy firm.
5. Reduce emissions intensity in our power generation portfolio.
6. Refers to power generation clients 10% of their revenue depending on thermal coal.